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Zend Framework 1.7 - Zend Framework Migration Notes
When upgrading from a previous release to Zend Framework 1.7 or higher you should note the following migration notes.
Users brought to our attention the fact that Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer were using a method of the dispatcher abstract class that was not in the dispatcher interface. We have now added the following method to ensure that custom dispatchers will continue to work with the shipped implementations:
formatModuleName(): should be used to take a raw controller name, such as one that would be packaged inside a request object, and reformat it to a proper class name that a class extending Zend_Controller_Action would use
As noted by users, the validators from Zend_File_Transfer do not work in conjunction with Zend_Config due to the fact that they have not used named arrays.
Therefor, all filters and validators for Zend_File_Transfer have been reworked. While the old signatures continue to work, they have been marked as deprecated, and will emit a PHP notice asking you to fix them.
The following list shows you the changes you will have to do for proper usage of the parameters.
Old method API: Zend_Filter_File_Rename($oldfile, $newfile, $overwrite)
New method API: Zend_Filter_File_Rename($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: source equals to $oldfile, target equals to $newfile, overwrite equals to $overwrite.
Example #1 Changes for the rename filter from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_Count($min, $max)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_Count($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: min equals to $min, max equals to $max.
Example #2 Changes for the count validator from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_Extension($extension, $case)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_Extension($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: * equals to $extension and can have any other key, case equals to $case.
Example #3 Changes for the extension validator from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_FilesSize($min, $max, $bytestring)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_FilesSize($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: min equals to $min, max equals to $max, bytestring equals to $bytestring.
Additionally, the useByteString() method signature has changed. It can only be used to test if the validator is expecting to use byte strings in generated messages. To set the value of the flag, use the setUseByteString() method.
Example #4 Changes for the filessize validator from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_Hash($hash, $algorithm)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_Hash($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: * equals to $hash and can have any other key, algorithm equals to $algorithm.
Example #5 Changes for the hash validator from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_ImageSize($minwidth, $minheight, $maxwidth, $maxheight)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_FilesSize($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: minwidth equals to $minwidth, maxwidth equals to $maxwidth, minheight equals to $minheight, maxheight equals to $maxheight.
Example #6 Changes for the imagesize validator from 1.6 to 1.7
Old method API: Zend_Validate_File_Size($min, $max, $bytestring)
New method API: Zend_Validate_File_Size($options) where $options accepts the following array keys: min equals to $min, max equals to $max, bytestring equals to $bytestring.
Example #7 Changes for the size validator from 1.6 to 1.7
According to the coding standards isLocale() had to be changed to return a boolean. In previous releases a string was returned on success. For release 1.7 a compatibility mode has been added which allows to use the old behaviour of a returned string, but it triggers a user warning to mention you to change to the new behaviour. The rerouting which the old behaviour of isLocale() could have done is no longer neccessary as all I18n will now process a rerouting themself.
To migrate your scripts to the new API, simply use the method as shown below.
Example #8 How to change isLocale() from 1.6 to 1.7
Note that you can use the second parameter to see if the locale is correct without processing a rerouting.
The meaning of the getDefault() method has been change due to the fact that we integrated a framework locale which can be set with setDefault(). It does no longer return the locale chain but only the set framework locale.
To migrate your scripts to the new API, simply use the method as shown below.
Example #9 How to change getDefault() from 1.6 to 1.7
Note that the second parameter of the old getDefault() implementation is not available anymore, but the returned values are the same.
Note: Per default the old behaviour is still active, but throws a user warning. When you have changed your code to the new behaviour you should also change the compatibility mode to FALSE so that no warning is thrown anymore.
When using automatic detection of languages, or setting languages manually to Zend_Translate you may have mentioned that from time to time a notice is thrown about not added or empty translations. In some previous release also an exception was raised in some cases.
The reason is, that when a user requests a non existing language, you have no simple way to detect what's going wrong. So we added those notices which show up in your log and tell you that the user requested a language which you do not support. Note that the code, even when we trigger such an notice, keeps working without problems.
But when you use a own error or exception handler, like xdebug, you will get all notices returned, even if this was not your intention. This is due to the fact that these handlers override all settings from within PHP.
To get rid of these notices you can simply set the new option 'disableNotices' to TRUE. It defaults to FALSE.
Example #10 Setting languages without getting notices
Let's assume that we have 'en' available and our user requests 'fr' which is not in our portfolio of translated languages.
In this case we will get an notice about a not available language 'fr'. Simply add the option and the notices will be disabled.
Note: The API changes within Zend_View are only notable for you when you are upgrading to release 1.7.5 or higher.
Prior to the 1.7.5 release, the Zend Framework team was notified of a potential Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability in the Zend_View::render() method. Prior to 1.7.5, the method allowed, by default, the ability to specify view scripts that included parent directory notation (e.g., "../" or "..\"). This opens the possibility for an LFI attack if unfiltered user input is passed to the render() method:
Zend_View now by default raises an exception when such a view script is requested.
Since a number of developers reported that they were using such notation within their applications that was not the result of user input, a special flag was created to allow disabling the default protection. You have two methods for doing so: by passing the 'lfiProtectionOn' key to the constructor options, or by explicitly calling the setLfiProtection() method.