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for an older version of Zend Framework.
You can find the documentation of the current version at:
Zend Framework 0.8 - Zend Framework Migration Notes
When upgrading from a previous release to Zend Framework 0.8 or higher you should note the following migration notes.
Per previous changes, the most basic usage of the MVC components remains the same:
However, the directory structure underwent an overhaul, several components were removed, and several others either renamed or added. Changes include:
Zend_Controller_Router was removed in favor of the rewrite router.
Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter was renamed to Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite, and promoted to the standard router shipped with the framework; Zend_Controller_Front will use it by default if no other router is supplied.
A new route class for use with the rewrite router was introduced, Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module; it covers the default route used by the MVC, and has support for controller modules.
Zend_Controller_Router_StaticRoute was renamed to Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static.
Zend_Controller_Dispatcher was renamed Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard.
Zend_Controller_Action::_forward()'s arguments have changed. The signature is now:
$action is always required; if no controller is specified, an action in the current controller is assumed. $module is always ignored unless $controller is specified. Finally, any $params provided will be appended to the request object. If you do not require the controller or module, but still need to pass parameters, simply specify NULL for those values.