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Introduction - Zend_Serializer
Zend_Serializer provides an adapter based interface to simply generate storable representation of PHP types by different facilities, and recover.
Example #1 Using Zend_Serializer dynamic interface
To instantiate a serializer you should use the factory method with the name of the adapter:
The method serialize() generates a storable string. To regenerate this serialized data you can simply call the method unserialize().
Any time an error is encountered serializing or unserializing, Zend_Serializer will throw a Zend_Serializer_Exception.
To configure a given serializer adapter, you can optionally add an array or an instance of Zend_Config to the factory() or to the serialize() and unserialize() methods:
Options passed to the factory() are valid for the instantiated object. You can change these options using the setOption(s) method. To change one or more options only for a single call, pass them as the second argument to either the serialize() or unserialize() method.
Example #2 Using the Zend_Serializer static interface
You can register a specific serializer adapter as a default serialization adapter for use with Zend_Serializer. By default, the PhpSerialize adapter will be registered, but you can change this option using the setDefaultAdapter() static method.