The following describes the use cases for each directory as listed.
application/: This directory contains
your application. It will house the MVC system, as well as
configurations, services used, and your bootstrap file.
configs/: The
application-wide configuration directory.
models/, and
views/: These directories
serve as the default controller, model or view directories. Having
these three directories inside the application directory provides the
best layout for starting a simple project as well as starting a modular
project that has global controllers/models/views.
controllers/helpers/: These
directories will contain action helpers. Action helpers will be
namespaced either as "Controller_Helper_" for
the default module or "<Module>_Controller_Helper" in other
layouts/: This layout
directory is for MVC-based layouts. Since
Zend_Layout is capable of
MVC- and non-MVC-based layouts,
the location of this directory reflects that layouts are not on a
1-to-1 relationship with controllers and are independent of templates
within views/.
modules/: Modules allow a
developer to group a set of related controllers into a logically
organized group. The structure under the modules directory would
resemble the structure under the application directory.
services/: This directory is
for your application specific web-service files that are provided by
your application, or for implementing a » Service
Layer for your models.
Bootstrap.php: This file is
the entry point for your application, and should implement
The purpose for this file is to bootstrap the application and make
components available to the application by initializing them.
data/: This directory provides a
place to store application data that is volatile and possibly temporary. The
disturbance of data in this directory might cause the application to fail.
Also, the information in this directory may or may not be committed to a
subversion repository. Examples of things in this directory are session files,
cache files, sqlite databases, logs and indexes.
docs/: This directory contains
documentation, either generated or directly authored.
library/: This directory is for
common libraries on which the application depends, and should be on the
PHP include_path. Developers should
place their application's library code under this directory in a unique
namespace, following the guidelines established in the PHP
manual's » Userland Naming
Guide, as well as those established by Zend itself. This
directory may also include Zend Framework itself; if so, you would house it in
public/: This directory contains all
public files for your application. index.php sets up and
invokes Zend_Application, which in turn invokes the
application/Bootstrap.php file, resulting in dispatching
the front controller. The web root of your web server would typically be set to
this directory.
scripts/: This directory contains
maintenance and/or build scripts. Such scripts might include command line,
cron, or phing build scripts that are not executed at runtime but are part of
the correct functioning of the application.
temp/: The temp/
folder is set aside for transient application data. This information would not
typically be committed to the applications svn repository. If data under the
temp/ directory were deleted, the application should be
able to continue running with a possible decrease in performance until data is
once again restored or recached.
tests/: This directory contains
application tests. These could be hand-written, PHPUnit tests, Selenium-RC
based tests or based on some other testing framework. By default, library code
can be tested by mimicing the directory structure of your
library/ directory. Additionally, functional tests for
your application could be written mimicing the
application/ directory structure (including the
application subdirectory).