WSO2 Identity Server

Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server allows you to manage your users directly. Supports authentication protocols OAuth2, SAML, OIDC together with SCIM protocol for user exchange and custom user claims. Provides posibility of Self-Service, Single-Sign-On and Identity Federation with possibility of remote user-store via LDAP or MySQL connector. Natively support multitenancy and is open-source!

Do you need help with Identity Server?

We can help you to install, configure, manage and run Identity Server for you. It can be either in cloud or localy for you bussines.

With this solution you can publish external endpoint and allow other application to authenticate users throught you as service provider. It increases security and allows you to manage your users at one place directly with protocols such OAuth2, SAML, OpenID Connect (OIDC), SCIM and SSO.

This server is open-source and more part of WSO2 integration platform . We can help you with configuration and also we have prepared public docker image which allows you to setup and run local or cloud instance very fast and easy.