
Introduction - ZendX_JQuery


As of version 1.7, Zend Framework integrates » jQuery view and form helpers through its extras library. The jQuery support is meant as an alternative to the already existing Dojo library integration. Currently jQuery can be integrated into your Zend Framework applications in the following ways:

  • View helper to help setup the jQuery (Core and UI) environment

  • jQuery UI specific Zend_View helpers

  • jQuery UI specific Zend_Form elements and decorators

By default the jQuery javascript dependencies are loaded from the Google Ajax Library Content Distribution Network. The CDN offers both jQuery Core and jQuery UI access points and the view helpers therefore can already offer you most the dependencies out of the box. Currently the Google CDN offers jQuery UI support up to version 1.5.2, but the jQuery view and form helpers already make use of the UI library 1.6 version (AutoComplete, ColorPicker, Spinner, Slider). To make use of these great additions you have to download the release candidate version of the » jQuery UI library from its website.


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